In today's fast-paced world, where digital gadgets dominate our lives, it's easy to overlook the simple yet profound tools of the past that have shaped the way we think and learn. One such tool, the abacus, has stood the test of time, continuing to play a pivotal role in developing young minds. This ancient calculating device, with its beads and rods, is a gateway to enhancing cognitive skills in children.
What is an Abacus?
An Abacus is a calculating tool on which numbers are represented. We can represent numbers from 0 to any number of digits on the Abacus. We can perform arithmetic operations on the Abacus - addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.
What is the Abacus program?
The Abacus program is where children initially learn numbers' representation from 0-999. In the Abacus program children learn the specific way of holding the tool, and representing numbers on the tool using specific hands and specific fingers on specific rods and specific beads. This way of learning is a brain gym because the cells in both parts of the brain - left and right brain - get exercised by using specific fingers on specific rods and beads.
Should children learn the Abacus program?
Yes, children should learn the Abacus program so that their brain cells get exercised. As per medical research, it is well known that the body and brain are cross-connected; and hands and brain are directly connected. The left brain controls the right part of the body and the right brain controls the left part of the body.
The brain has two parts - left and right - just like our body. The left brain is all about math, science, calculations, logical thinking and decision-making. The right brain is all about long-term memory, creativity etc.
The Abacus program uses both the right hand and the left hand on the tool and sometimes simultaneously as well. These finger movements on the Abacus tool give continuous exercise to the brain cells, (called neurons) in both parts of the brain.
What are the benefits of the Abacus program for children?
The benefits of the Abacus program for children are
Significant improvement/enhancement in:
❖ Imagination
❖ Concentration
❖ Speed
❖ Accuracy
❖ Learning Ability
❖ Listening Skills
❖ Expression
❖ Creativity
❖ Photographic Memory
❖ All round Academic Excellence
Is the Abacus program a math class?
No, the Abacus program is not a math class. The Abacus program is a brain gym. Just like how for the proper functioning of the physical body we need to use the gym, for academic excellence children should attend the Abacus program.
What is the age group for enrolling children in the Abacus program?
The correct age group for enrolling in the Abacus program is 5-12 years of age.
The abacus is a powerful instrument that fosters cognitive development in children. By engaging both hemispheres of the brain, the abacus program enhances memory, concentration, creativity, and overall academic performance. This holistic approach to learning ensures that children not only excel in math but also develop crucial skills that benefit them in all areas of their education.
If you're looking to give your child an edge in their cognitive development, consider enrolling them in our abacus program. The benefits are profound and long-lasting, providing a foundation for academic success and a sharp, agile mind.
Ready to take the next step? Visit our website to shop our abacus program and other smart skill development programs designed to enhance your child's learning experience. Equip your child with the tools they need to excel today!